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16 Days of Activism: Promoting Accountability for Sexual And Gender-Based Violence In Nigeria

16 Days of Activism: Promoting Accountability for Sexual And Gender-Based Violence In Nigeria


CLEEN Foundation joins the global community to draw the attention of Nigeria governments at all levels to the plight of women and girls on gender-based  violence “If you discount the voices of women, you only have half the opportunity to hear the funny/intelligent/creative/life-enriching ideas you would otherwise have access to.” – Deb Pugh

According to the Global Database on Violence against Women, 22.3% of women in Nigeria experience lifetime physical and sexual intimate partner violence, while 43.4% of young girls are victims of child marriage and 19.5% of young girls are victims of female genital mutilation (FGM)/Cutting

When women are empowered, they can pursue stable employment and be informed and protected from violent attacks, thereby closing the gender gap. This however is not like eating a pie. When women are given an opportunity, it doesn’t mean there is no slice left for others. There is more than enough to go around. Empowered women do not diminish chances for others but rather raise other women up and include diverse voices in conversations and decision-making to achieve a strengthened community at every level.

The 16 days of activism theme for 2023 “UNiTE! Invest to Prevent Violence against Women & Girls” could not be timelier. In Dr. Amina Salihu’s words, we should be thinking of moving from Resilience to Resistance.

Despite receiving significant attention from the Federal Government and many developmental partners, violence in various forms remains a burdensome and pervasive challenge, affecting millions of women and girls globally. Statistics from the “National Library of Medicine” show approximately 6% of women globally and in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have experienced some non-partner sexual violence. It also reports about 27% of women experienced sexual and physical violence from an intimate partner at least once in their lifetime.

While Resilience is shouldering the emotional, psychological and physical trauma, Resistance, on the other hand, can take many forms – from overtly standing up to a perpetrator down to small acts or thoughts that are usually swept under the carpet by others. These acts of resistance represent a victim’s efforts to resist, defy or strive against the abuse and their efforts to maintain self-dignity.

This moment provides an opportunity to reflect on the progress made in tackling the global scourge of violence against women and girls in all its forms, as well as a call to action to redouble international efforts to eradicate such crimes. As one of the most prevalent and pervasive human rights violations, gender-based violence encompasses physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering and can often have a life-long impact on survivors.


Gad Peter

Executive Director


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