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CLEEN FOUNDATION 2019 Annual Retreat

CLEEN FOUNDATION 2019 Annual Retreat

CLEEN FOUNDATION 2019 Annual Retreat

CLEEN Foundation’s annual staff retreat which held on the 17th-19th of December, 2019, was focused on the review of CLEEN’s Operational plan vis a` vis its Five-year strategic plan and how the activities and programs of the organisation in the year 2019 reflected the Operational plan and objectives of the 2019-2023 strategy. It also focused on enlightening CLEEN staff on the recently drafted policies made to guide the behavioural attitude of its staff in the implementation of its programs and activities.

The technical sessions that were held during the retreat include an overview of the Accountability and Justice Program vis a vis the strategic plan, review of the public safety and Security Program of the foundation, review of Research and Strategic Development, review of the Special/International program of the foundation, review of Capacity Building and Development Program area of CLEEN Foundation.

There was also presentation of CLEENs Policy which are; Whistle lower Policy, CLEEN’S Property Safe-Guarding Policy, CLEEN’S HR Policy, CLEEN’s Conflict of interest Policy, Gender And Social Inclusion Policy, Sexual Harassment Policy, Safety & Security Policy, Procurement Policy, Cleen’s Travel & Employee Business Expense, CLEEN’s Administration Policy, ICT Policy, Finance Policy & Procedure, etc. Discussions were carried out on the various policies by all members of staff and there was addition and subtraction where necessary.

We also had a paper presentation on Communication for Organizational Growth by Obinnaya Uruakpa. This practical and interactive session dealt effectively on how to communicate and work together as a team.

In all, the retreat helped the staff to realign with the organizations goals, strategies and policies in order to begin a new year with a mindset to excel and conquer new grounds.

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